Wednesday, December 29, 2010

TIME For the Big Clean Up?

Here we go... Just days away from Jan. 1 and boy, do I have work to do! Doesn't everybody? I mean, we all have to get ready!!! The list of 'things to do' is endless; I've got a tree to take down, "space junk" (aka "craplets" or, clutter) to get rid of, receipts to file, laundry, food shopping, clothes to donate and- the BEST thing of all - a new calendar to hang up!  I am swamped with an overwhelming load of shit to do and I am dead-lining December 31st! See, I get uneasy this time of year so I figure that if I "get all ready" for the New Year that I will be FINE. I just have to get everything done and it will be a smooth transition for me, because I'll be "ready" right???

Wait a second... What exactly is it that I'm getting ready for, anyways? Why on earth do I put this onus on myself every year at this time to get everything done? Laundry is never done, nor is food shopping, filing,and cleaning so let's just scratch those off the 'to do' list... Am I getting ready for some huge party that begins Jan.1 and ends after Christmas? Am I getting ready for... School? A Meeting? Invasion of the Body Snatchers? The World to END??? No. I am not... Hurry, hurry! Get ready!...Nah, I'm not liking that self-induced pressure and anxiety that comes with "getting ready!". 

It's time for an attitude adjustment for this kid right here; time to take a new approach. How about if I just "be ready"? Not GET ready. BE ready, as in "just be." Mindful; in the moment. Spend less time trying to make sense of the past; less time preparing for the future and just LIVE. In the NOW. There is so much waste in this world and in this life, which is sad and truly unfortunate, but the most tragic thing to waste is TIME. We don't ever get it back. We shouldn't get all hung up spending precious time getting ready for something which we have no idea whether or not it's actually going to happen.

Nope. Not me. No more 'getting ready' but, here are some suggestions for things that I think are important to 'BE ready' for:

1. BE READY to NOT be ready! Wing it!

2. BE READY to LIVE, LAUGH, all times.

3. BE READY to hop on a plane when your friend yells something about KEY WEST! and  WINTERVENTION!

4. BE READY for all things "spur". Of the moment. (Always better than the best laid plans!)

5. BE READY to DANCE! Especially if a Flashmob breaks out right in front of you.

And so, I think I may have come up with my first New Year's Resolution for 2011-
I am going to start living with a little more HEART, and a little less BRAIN. Ain't that some shit, Cee-Lo!!!

Right now however, I'm going to pack a "stand-by" bag containing the following: a toothbrush, lipstick, some bitchin' shades, and a bikini. So when that call comes in for a WINTERVENTION, I WILL BE READY.
Now where the hell did I put my new calendar....?!?

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