Tuesday, December 28, 2010

The Zen Den

Which way is up?
I have no idea, since my blizzard has been tossing me every which way for months now; even years. Yesterday's "Blizzard of 2010" was the perfect visual metaphor for the emotional turmoil that I have been in. Let's cut right to the chase: I am newly divorced, as of Dec. 16th,  the week before Christmas. Timing is everything and as far as I'm concerned, I can see both sides of it; (like I tend to view everything...hence the title of my blog.) Sounding a little bit like Charles Dickens, "It was the worst of times, it was the best of times..." (or is it the other way around? I forget.)  Tough to get divorced right at the Christmas holiday, but in terms of the "New Year" holiday...it's perfect. New Year, New Me, New Life...a bonafide and genuine opportunity for a "do-over" in 2011. And I plan to make the most of it. I will do that such-and-such thing I've always wanted to (like BLOG, for example!) Or more yoga. Spend more time on my kids, my house, me. The "New Year"; it motivates me. I've always made some lame, empty resolutions which I never kept but this coming year, my resolutions will be more like revolutions!

So here I am, starting this blog. I want you to know right off the bat, that this will not be a continuous soliloquy of ex-husband bashing, visitation violations, and/or updates on my latest pity-party. A lot of my inspiration to write happens right in here (see above).  This is my beloved Zen Den. Actually, it's more like a Zen Igloo right now, which still works for me and it is where I begin and end every single day. With a place like this to inspire, I can only write all things positive, funny, poignant, and thought-provoking...I hope! I do however reserve the right to rant occasionally- like we all should. Please stay tuned....
Signing on, and off for the first of many times- from The Zen Den.


  1. *love this* And I've got my crash helmet on, ready to read about your journey xoxo kj

  2. Love this. We should all have a Zen Den somewhere in our home. So glad to see another South Shore blogger. Welcome to the crazy world of blogging. It's a fun ride!
